
Brain Soother (Celery, Apple, Cucumber, Fennel) – 30 Days

AED 1,249

Brain Soother juice!

When life surprises us with high stress and intense moments, our brain can overheat, and we can lose precious electrolyte and glucose reserves.

  • This tonic helps calm the mind and cool the brain down from overheating while replenishing reserves.
  • Brain Soother is a mix of apple, cucumber, celery and fennel rich in mineral salts.
  • Hydrating us at the deepest cellular level and high in Vitamin C.
  • Perfect for those who are suffering with mental health and brain-related symptoms and conditions.
  • Pure, Organic, Fresh, Cold Pressed Daily!

Place your order before 5 PM for next day delivery. Select your start delivery date/time at the checkout.

You Will Get:

  • 350ml of Organic, and Cold Pressed Mix of Celery, Apple, Cucumber, and Fennel Juice
  • In a Glass Bottle
  • Delivered Everyday for 30 Days

Nutritional Summary (Per Bottle 350ml):


Calories Fat Carbs Protein
83 0.4g 12.9g 2.5g




Note: We use limited fresh ingredients everyday! Place your order before 5 PM for next day delivery.


Additional information

Deliver For

30 Days Straight, Weekdays (Monday – Friday)


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