About Us


As strong believers in self- healing through the basic principles of holistic health, we took the decision to assist others in exploring their own path to a healthier and vibrant life.

We have personally benefited from the healing nature of celery juice and want to share this with you.

We all deserve to feel good, energetic and nurtured even while living a busy life’s style in Dubai and the UAE.

SOCLERY PORTAL is a licensed company under Department of Economic Development (License No. 974452)

This is why SO CELERY was created!

100% Organic & Cold Press

SO CELERY is committed to using 100% Organic produce celery.


We are committed to protect our environment. SO CELERY use glass bottles, and also encourage you to reuse our glass bottles or to return them after use.

Delivery Across The UAE

We deliver everyday, in the early hours of the morning. This means you can start your day the right way.

Try it out and get it delivered to your door steps!


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